Complete Framer's Supply has serviced the South Florida Professional Picture Framing community since 1985. Complete Framer's offers delivery to most of South Florida on our extensive line of Picture Moldings, Mat Boards, Glass, Foam Board, and all Common Framing Supplies.

We also offer Export Services to the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central and South America on all of our supplies and Picture Framing Equipment. Our manufacturers include Decor Moulding, Universal-Arquati Mouldings, Michelangelo, Omega, Presto, Max, Bella, Designer, Elmer's, Nielsen & Bainbridge, Crescent Cardboard, 3M, Fletcher Terry, Valiani, C & H, AMP Joiners, CTD Machines, Wizard Int., Sprayway, and TruVue.Complete Framer's Supply offers a Full 5 Day Framing School to educate Picture Framers and shop owners in Picture Framing, Mat Cutting, Frame Joining, Mounting, Sales and Selling.